Indian Stealth Frigate INS Sahyadri Enters Service

Photos / DPR Defence & Indian Navy

11 thoughts on “Indian Stealth Frigate INS Sahyadri Enters Service”

  1. Those two clean shaven boys posing with antony saar are milind deora and sachin pilot. God only knows what these irrelevant morons are doing in a military function. Photo publicity perhaps.

  2. I doubt how reliable russian radars and weapons are going to be in event of actual war. This ships looks good on paper.

  3. An exocet missile fired from a submarine can put this ship out of service if not sink it. Exocets are hard to detect and intercept due to their small size. Salvo attack will do the job

  4. This is i think India should concentrate more on aircraft carriers….just 3 to 4 carriers r nt nough…min of 10 carriers r needed to get the much desired fire power and range…

  5. Historically, in the battles between surface ships and submarines, it is submarine which have emerged victorious most of the time.

  6. @ Anon 7:27 PM

    Yeah right, and don't forget the P-8s that we are procuring that will blow the brains of the Porky Navy submarines before you get out of Karachi harbor !

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