Ready To Fly: Su-30MKI With BrahMos-A At #AeroIndia

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Here’s the BrahMos-A air-launched supersonic cruise missile on one of two modified IAF Su-30 MKI fighters on display this year at Aero India. As I reported last month, the BrahMos is all set for its first flight in March. Not a moment too soon. The Indian Air Force, which placed an order for 216 BrahMos-A missiles in 2012 wants 42 of its Su-30s to deploy the BrahMos. HAL, involved in the modification of two airframes at its Nashik facility, will conduct the structural mod, reinforcement and additional avionics/software coding in cooperation with Sukhoi Design Bureau.

6 thoughts on “Ready To Fly: Su-30MKI With BrahMos-A At #AeroIndia”

  1. I don't think civilian people understand the whole thing in armed forces there is something known as SECRECY one cannot keep on bragging SAY– Launch of K15 or K4 ballistic missile the difference of 700 to 3000 kilometers in actual fact it might be 5000 kms as it is there is a controversy whether Agni V is 5000 or 8000 km missile — CRUX —
    Knowing my brothers in India Bhramos must have been fitted a few months back when there was a small CLIP about a glide bomb successfully tested with a range of 100 kms

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