The End

We don’t bury our men. We sow them as seeds.
– Velupillai Prabhakaran

22 thoughts on “The End”

  1. Why do i get a feeling that his head was blown of with point blank or from very close range…

    I feel he should have done it with legal ways in Srilanka law, instead of taking the GUN. Am sure there were other ways for the cause he was fighting for.

  2. Big backlash. He was put on the bank of a lagoon, like an ancient animal crossing from seal to land and then shot. Typical american inneundo stuff.

  3. To be honest does not look like Prabhakaran. ?? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???.

    Anyway, let us hope he is Prabhakaran and this is the beginning of the end of Tamil terrorism.

  4. Even I have a feeling Prabhakaran is not dead and has escaped can he die….he cant die..Shiv did you see the body yourself

  5. Only when you’ve seen Prabhakaran’s dead body and touched it, are we going to believe that he’s dead, Shiv, otherwise we wont.

    Even Karunanidhi doesn’t believe he’s dead and he cant be wrong.

  6. Pakistanis are rapidly building their capacities to increase their nuclear arsenal that already stands at 100+- Dr. Albright’s perditions of Pakistani production capabilities he made in 1998 and 2000 Pakistan have some where 100 to 180 which includes 20 to 30 plutonium warheads. Once K-3 is completed Pakistan will have capability to produce a total of 15 to 24 warheads each year

    Currently with Kahuta &Kushab-1 (2 to 3 warheads @ 70MWT )and Kuhsab-2 (if reactor is only taken at 100MWT it can produce 4 to 6 warheads and 8 to 12 warheads if it is 150 to 200MWT like one in Karachi(second options looks more likely due to size and Pakistani experience with that reactor) )they have capability to produce 11 to 18 nuclear warheads each year.

    Pakistan Expanding Plutonium Separation Facility Near Rawalpindi
    Pakistan Expanding Dera Ghazi Khan Nuclear Site

    As per media reports, PAEC is continuing expansion of the nuclear program, including the completion of two additional plutonium production reactors at Khushab and the Chashma reprocessing facility. Another large Nuclear Fuel Complex is being set up at Faisalabad and a uranium enrichment plant is being set up at Chak Jhumra which will have a capacity of 150,000 SWU whereas Kahuta is believed to be only 15000 SWU.

    By David Albright and Paul Brannan
    May 19, 2009

    In July 1984 the New York Times reported that US intelligence had learned that the previous year that China had supplied Pakistan with the design of an actual tested nuclear device – the design of China's fourth nuclear weapon
    tested in 1966 with a yield of 25 kt. This is said to be a low weight (200 kg class) solid-core bomb design. Reports have also surfaced that China also provided sufficient HEU to construct one
    or two weapons in 1983. In 1998 A. Q. Khan stated that Pakistan had acquired the capability to explode a nuclear device at the end of 1984.

    Thomas Reed, a former US Air Force secretary has claimed in his book- The Nuclear Express: A Political History of the Bomb and Its Proliferation that during Benazir Bhutto's tenure China helped Pakistan in testing its first nuclear armament.

    It is difficult to claim that what is actual size and destructive capability given Pakistani claims of boosted weapons test in 1998 which are consistent with their previous import of technology of tritium purification facility.But one thing is sure that they have enough material available to make minimum of 100+ and maximum of 180+ nuclear weapons with yields varying from 20 to 300+ KT By 1987, the PAEC was able to acquire from West Germany parts for a tritium purification facility. Later, Pakistan attempted to procure from Germany 30 tons of aluminum tubing, used to "clad lithium for irradiation in a reactor. German firm NTG that helped PAEC developed tritium purification and recovery processes. Tritium is used to boost fission warheads and develop Hydrogen bombs.

    CIA Director Leon Panetta has said the United States does not know the location of all of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons but is confident the country has secured them.

    “We don’t have, frankly, the intelligence to know where they all are located,” Panetta said, adding the US was confident the Pakistani government had a “pretty secure approach to try to protect these weapons.”

  7. Wonder if this was a Sniper shot to head.. Usually Snipers aim for heart or head.

    No injuries whatsoever in the body tells me he was picked by a sniper or a Suicide (may have preferred cyanide instead of a bullet)

    Shiv, do you think you can confirm this ?

  8. 🙂 well, i’m actually from konkan. but what the hell — i was born lived most of my life in madras! plus i speak tamil better than my native konkani, so…

  9. ??? ??? ????? ?? ???? India ? ???. I have a bad feeling about all this. You could end up being collateral casualty.

  10. Idiot anon at 10.38 pm..stop saying bad things….no shame or what….nothing will happen to him…how can it happen, when I fasted for his long life

  11. u know what happens at time of death
    sole leaves body and it concentrates between eyes and a tunned appears there and white light coming through its other end

    and soul concentrated at eye centre enters till tunnel and then nver comes back in body

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