Ha Ha!

20 thoughts on “Ha Ha!”

  1. HaHa indeed!
    It doesn't take a professional to tell you that this image has been photoshoped. Infact the quality of the work is so bad..even a child could figure this out. Clues; the image on the TV, TV itself, the hand holding the newspaper..artificial tv furniture(watch the wall & floor where it meets the furniture)); not in the same room.. yep. LTTE should've atleast got a pro to do the job..FAIL!

  2. Its a fake. Watch he is not gripping the news paper. The paper will slip down if he holds it like this.

  3. it’s an artist’s impressions that appeared in a tamil newspaper. everyone stop getting hot and bothered.

  4. this photgraph is as credible as the srilankan caims on PRABHAKARAN death. The srilankan army has killed prabhakaran many times over in the past.If it is true they should have kept the body and did a DNA test in INDIA to confirm with the INDIAN government.What did they do? they burnt the body within Two days and havent said that with whose DNA they compared it with it.there are reports that DNA tedt will take atleast ten days and the facility to do DNA test is not available in SRILANKA

    it is the same airfoce that used cluster bombs against what it claims its own civilians and lied they were LTTE and asisted in that job by Indian airfoce.they never allowed any independent media verification.

    The srilankan navy killed 1000 INDIAN TAMIL fishermen to this date without a whiff of protest for INDIAN state.Even Pakistan only arrest straying INDAIN fishermen.The INDIAN navy assisted this NAVY to finish off the tamil struggle for just the life of one man RAJIV GANDHi.This much vengence in that family?3000 sikhs were killed to avenge the death of one INDHIRA GANDHI.20000 Tamils killed by barbaric SRILANKAN ARMY within two years with all help form INDIA to avenge the death of one RAJIVGANDHI

    While shedding tears for palestinian cause no indian media ever thougt it fit to nail the lies of srilankan government.The freedom struggle of the tamil race has been wiped out of history with traitorus assistance given by Inda,China,Pakistan to Srilanka.What a stange combination?
    Do you think will China or Pakistan will ever do such a thing to their own race as India did?The flawed Indo-srilankan accord which essentialy said that the sinhala dominated srilankan parliament will determine what power will be devolved (after the agreement was signed) was pushed down the throat of Srilankan Tamils by RAJIV regime.IPKF killed thousqands of tamilians pursuing the sinhalese cunning dream of setting india against TAMILS.

    After the RAJIV assanination the 50 year long struggle of TAMILS was branded as terrorism by the INDIAN government.There is only one question Iwanted to ask.What would have BANGLADESHI gurrelia force MUKTHI BHAHINI done if INDIRA GANDHI pushed a similar accord on them after getting some concession from PAKISTAN on KASHMIR issue i n1972 war ?

    Since the entire North Indian media didnt drop a tear for 20000 innocent tamil civilians killed or maimed by the barbarian srilankan army with all satellite imagery,naval blockade and trianing given by Indian government,from now on i will also rejoice at the death of every North Indian at the hands of the muslim terrorists.

    Would it try to kill her for betraying them or accept the accord and live as second class citizens forever.

    INDIRA stood against the entire might of PAKITAN,CHINA and UNITED STATES for muslim bengalis.What did RJIV do for the srilankan tamils who would have been an invaluable ally to india?He ditched them for some imaginery concessions by SRILANKA that it woulnot harm the strategic interest of INDIA.Is that all?Will SRILANKAN goverment which refueled the pakistani ships and aircrafts during the INDIA-PAK war of 1972 will forever remain commited to INDIA?What about the concessions to CHINA on HAMBANTOTA port and secret clauses in the CHINA-SRILANKAN accord.Now they are the staunchest ally of CHINA.

    I am ashamed to call myself an Indian.india is the only traitor nation in the world that assists mass scale slaughter of it own race by another race

  5. So if a guy tells the truth, He has to give up his citizenship, right? I don’t say Ltte is good. But look at the government, do you think; what they’re doing is correct (Killing 20000 civilians). Don’t forget one thing srilankan will never be your friend. They always support pakis and chini’s in previous wars. srilankan tamils were the natural allies for India. Now you got one more string of pearl in your south. You people betrayed the srilankan tamils. One day India will regret for his support in this war. I hope It’ll be soon

  6. it is sak who says he is ashamed to call himself an indian, in the first place.

    Sri Lanka is an independent country and free to chart its own path, and deal with its citizens independent of India.

    Sri lankan Tamils are NOT indian ciizens, they are Sri Lankans.

    and did you count 20,000 corpses, arundhati?

  7. LTTE will always live in the minds of Tamils. Tamils will get what they want one way or the other. if not in Srilanka then in India.

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