IMAGES: IAF Dhruv Rescues Army Mountaineers

An ALH Dhruv from the IAF’s 117 HU rescues Army mountaineers from the Pin Parbati Pass in Himachal on September 14. The chopper was piloted by Wg Cdr Nikhil Naidu with co-pilot Wg Cdr UKS Bhaduria.

17 thoughts on “IMAGES: IAF Dhruv Rescues Army Mountaineers”

  1. I dont think the pilot should have been clicking pics while hovering…since it was above 14000 , Naidu / Bhadauria should have focussed on getting the job done..rather than capture the event so that they could be given to you and the top brass for publicity….

    Bad example of fishing for compliments….its their job and they are just doing it.

  2. I can't believe that the Paki bugger who posted anonymously at 8:30 PM is talking about the IAF pilot taking pics and fishing for compliments !! the PAF did some rescue and tom-tommed it to the entire world, including having foreign media taking images of the so-called daring rescue..

    what a joker you are, you PoS !

  3. Hello Shiv,

    Wanted to bring attention to a story in india today about an soldier who was killed in action in 2000 from maratha light infarntry. Now the story suggest he was also beheaded and his head was presented to Musharaff and he awarded the person ismaili kashmiri with Rs. 1lakh. Wanted to know till what time the present government will lick us and pakistan without dignity. Can you get an answer from government on this or can RTI be used to force government I am thinking of using same.

  4. Dear Anonymous blogger of 11:37pm…
    everyone who criticizes need not be a Paki…in fact he could be teeling something which could be the truth….perhaps because he too has flown this machine and knows its capabilties…I would not be a fool to take names if it werent so…please enlighten us all here how these pics came into being if they were not photographed….if yes..then why was it being done when at 14000' it was supposedly at the end of its tether regime where you have to be on controls and even the gunner needs to be on the highest alert for any untoward incident…this shows showmanship…not that it was not a good job…but shows pointers towards the tendency to fish for medals and awards…


  5. Guys, Just read this post – pics aren't very clear – it definitely seems the camera is helmet mounted. I have some old friends in the IAF and have been told that pilots are instructed to carry cameras on known rescue and relief missions. good show and this is what we need to have/ build faith in our own machines and pilots. and the comment by that Paki – it sounds like he is a jealous INDIAN!

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