Tonight @ 10: Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields

39 thoughts on “Tonight @ 10: Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields”

  1. Indian Channels should not broadcast such programs and ignore any such genocide if it occurred. Its important India focuses on building bridges for the future for peace and regional integration forgetting the past.

  2. At Anonymous 7:11pm,

    So if you(India) made the mistake(supporting srilanka) then that news should not broadcasted.
    Good point

  3. @Anon 7:11

    That's the stupidest thing I've read on this blog. You must be an idiot. If anything, India should show a backbone and take a stance on the issue. We've had incompetent foreign policy for too long. There's no need for us to placate Sri Lankans when they not only show utter contempt for international law and the principles of democracy but also exhibit overt jingoism.

  4. I watched the video on internet; Apart from the appreciation for the great journalism, I felt sick to my stomach just thinking this is happening less than 50 miles from our shores, and we all know we Indians, to a larger extent, were involved in this colossal crime. Killing an enemy is fair and square but raping his sister and mother and starving his kids doesn’t create the freedom we have been rationalizing the war with. It has been far too long since the war is over, let us man up and help whoever is still alive.

  5. i think the srilankans should be taught a lesson for taking such steps against civilians.they have succeeded in silencing the tigers only by resorting to such inhuman steps.rajapaksa should be hanged on a lamppost.

  6. Anon @7:11 pm:

    Four people before me called you an idiot (anonymously). But i guess you won't get it. Because you are an idiot (real).

    – nanovacuum (US)

  7. the entire episode (war) was of mistrust betrayal and counter betrayal. India's hands were tied by no one else but the tigers. Tigers with their agressive-to- India and srilanka stance made risk to all. It is pretty sad that India who often raises voice for Baluch rebels failed to raise it infront of the last assault by SLA. Now atleast we should take a stance, of course we dont have a voice of ourselves so let us not lend it to some one, but we can help the survivors for having a bare minimum life (but again we fail to give it to our own countrymen closer home often)…hope some NGOs are listening.

  8. s.vignesh nagalinga pandian

    our prime minister and home minister last year had a supper with daklas devananda who is procalimed offender in india.logically speaking they should resign for commiting this henious crime,since this is contempt of court.lankan navy
    had killed 572 indian fishermen but our navy is training their's.indian govt. should understand the pains of tamilans.
    -s.vignesh nagalinga pandian

  9. india regonizes tibet and palestine then why they oppose tamil ealem ?.
    netaji created indian govt. in exile in singapore,dalai lama created tibetian govt. in exile in is sad that indian govt. opposes tamil ealem govt. in exile which was created in u.s.a last year.

  10. While all of the Indian NEWS channels were covering merely petty crimes of Delhi street, at least one Indian news channel is covering this genocide. Thumbs up to headlines today and channel 4.

  11. when hitler massacred jews other countries defeated 1971 when people of east pak. were harrased india defeated pakistan .even after it is proved that sri lankan govt. commited genocide why along with pak and china indian govt. still supports rajapaksa?

  12. india is fast losing its allies…bangladesh,pakistan,nepal, myanmar are all under the influence of china…losing srilanka by alienating ourselves from them would have been a grave diplomatic error because china is trying its best to surround india and it is getting successes at that.on what grounds do u ppl suppose that india would have supported an organization responsible for not only killing its own prime minister but also was once globally acknowledged as the deadliest terrorist organization and spreading so much violence in the small island nation.both morally and diplomatically it was in india's interest to support srilanka,remember india too facing similar terrorism problem…. and tell me how do u fell when our neighbour accuses our soldiers for genocides in kashmir.remember india never provided srilanka with offensive weapons unlike china or pakistan for their war against LTTE.and abouv all always remember that TAMILS IN SRILANKA ARE SRILANKANS AND NOT INDIANNS.WE SHOULD FIRST CARE OF THE WELFARE OF OUR COUNTRYMEN AND THEN OF THE NEIGHBOURS.please everybody try to look at the broader picture….

  13. @soumyadip Pure selfishness. I believe you have never understood or know anything on the Lankan issue. I am not in favor of LTTE but do you sny idea why such an organization was created? it is only you who seems to see teh narrow picture. if at all India hyad helped the Tibeteans, at this stage we would be having Arunachal Pradesh and So called Aksai chin as parts of India in the global map and not as disputed region. You talk about India not providing offensive weapons. Do you any idea where was late Prabhakaran trained? Who provided LTTE with arms at the first place?

  14. @soumyadip
    Take that diplomacy and shove it up **** ***.
    It is a FACT that we aided the SL govt that committed genocide.
    We are still supporting and training the SL military and navy that is killing INDIAN FISHERMEN.

    What is the point in Indian channels broadcasting such videos when our country was the one that supported this Genocidal SL Govt???

  15. s.vignesh nagalinga pandian

    rajiv gandhi is responsible for excape of warren anderson,he was responsible for bofors scandal.he is responsible for death of 12000 tamilans.
    one rajiv was killed for that congress govt killed one lakh tamilans.still how many more tamilans they espect to die?son,he was responsible for bofors scandal.he is responsible for death of 12000 tamilans.
    one rajiv was killed for that congress govt killed one lakh tamilans.still how many more tamilans they espect to die?

  16. che guevara said:wherever voice of suppressed peoples are suppressed armed struggle will erupt. that's what happened in sri lanka.prabakaran followed the path followed by netaji and che.if sinhalese consider tamilans as their country men then why have they bombed schools and hospitals?

  17. While attitude of Lankans definitely contains elements of discrimination against the Lankan Tamils,it is also true that the Tigers were also to blame for the sufferings of the Tamils.The LTTE was undoubtedly an authoritarian and absolutist organisation with its goals like wise.Eelam or nothing.The LTTE during its peak could have got almost any deal from the Lankans save full freedom.The LTTE never showed any regard for a negotiated settlement. It did not even tolerate fellow Tamil organisation and wanted an absolute monopoly on the aspirations of Lankan Tamils.Its attack on R Gandhi was its greatest mistake.Such a fascist,pol-potist extreme organisation could only end the way it did!

  18. @Anon 7:11 HERE.

    1) I dont mind being called idiot. 🙂

    2) The answer to genocide born out of mistrust is not to add to mistrust but relations, positive one and lead towards a better confident tomorrow, specially with neighbors. India took this approach with Afghanistan and Africa. Its better than mistrust. Given a choice, I would distribute developmental money to Paki society to building SCHOOLs and HEALTHCARE so kids dont end up as terrorists.

  19. to every one who protested my views…

    1.i am just a kid(19years to be precise)compared to u gentlemen so forgive me if i have offended anybody through my comments.

    2.what do u think…that india should have taken military actions against lanka
    as tamils in India were demanding.

    3.from a tamils's point of view it is very depressing and i can understand that but what about the sinhala victims who has lost their lives due to terrorism.

    4.Americans provided arms to talibans and they are suffering now….India provided arms to tamils in the begining and look what happend..we not only lost our prime minister but more than thousand Indian peacekeeper.its only natural for us to stand against ltte this time.

    6.if thinking about my countrymen is selfishness then i am happy to be a selfish guy :):):)

  20. @ anonymous 1:03…
    @ Arun..
    during war innocent people lose their lives..maybe srilankans have commited war crimes..but what do do u think ltte were doing…HOLDING INNOCENT TAMILIANS HOSTAGE so that srilankan forces refrain themselves from advancing..please try to look at it from everyones point of view..not only indian or tamilian but also from a sinhala one…thank u…

  21. Good debate, Soumyadip. If you're only 19, you're doing a heck of a lot better than many of your MySpace-generation peers.

    While India trained the LTTE, the argument is that India altered the balance of power in Sri Lanka by later supporting the Sri Lankan government. The question is, wouldn't China have done the same anyway to gain a monumental ally in their String of Pearls strategy? That would've happened had India done nothing for either side.

    I don't think the BJP would've reacted very differently, had they been in power. Remember the IC 814 hijacking and how we conceded?

    The Lankan Tamil expectation of India openly or covertly supporting the LTTE is just absurd. You don't assassinate a country's Prime Minister and then expect all to be forgiven. You are forgotten, and that proved to be very cruel.

    Also Indian support of the LTTE would've been very similar to Pakistani support of the mujahideen groups, then what leverage would we have over Pakistan?

    Unfortunately for Lankan Tamils, India has a lot of baggage and we were not ready for a contest versus China in Sri Lanka like the US – Soviet Union contest in Afghanistan.

  22. @Soumyadip

    You are too young for this.19 year old kids are idealistic.
    " During war Innocent people lose lives "_ Genocides in history can be justified by this statement.

    Yes the LTTE was guilty of terrorism and using civilians as shields.

    But the SL govt is even more guilty of being completely inhumane and butchering thousands of civilians who were trapped between the deep sea & the Devil.

    Maoists in India hide among the innocent Tribal population. So should we do the same thing to the tribals what SL did to Lankan Tamil civilians???


    Good that LTTE is destroyed but those who support the brutalization of Civilians deserve a similar fate.

  23. @Pratik Das
    Tomorrow SL might kill more Fishermen from India and the govt might use the same logic of "Chinese threat" for inaction.

    Wait isn't that already happening???

    Anyway I used to be an Idealistic Indian. Now I feel blind patriotism is foolishness. It is absolutely disgusting to see fellow Indians even doubting the Brutalities that happened in SL.

    Well what can you expect in a country where 4000 INDIAN CITIZENS were butchered in the national capital in 1984? AnD the People responsible FOR THEIR DEATHS VOTED TO POWER AFTERWARDS .

  24. I believe when some one talks about SriLankan Tamil, except for LTTE nothing comes to their mind. No one here is defending or supporting LTTE. We are only against crimes committed against humanity. And loosing a PM is really bad. But again it is not some tit for tat kind. As rightly said by others, just because, there are maoist, terrorists holed up in some parts of the country, you can't bomb the whole place down and turn a blind eye towards crimes committed by armed forces. That is the reason, why the Kashmir or North East problem is never solved. And why support Srilanka doesn't even bother to respect you. Indian fisher man are killed very now and then. Even Pakistan only arrests Indian fisherman who and accidently trespassed. The problem with India is the only decision it can take is "not taking any decision"and you all know whose courtesy it was.

  25. @ Anon 3.11pm,

    Correctly said, still some idiots are there to scold the tamils in srilanka. After seeing the video, how can you people talk like this. OH, Atleast I can see lot of comments against the srilankan now. Before in this same blog everyone supported the srilankan offensive even the blog owner also. thats why tamilians lost hope of Indian brotherwood.

  26. To Anonymous @ 8:23pm,

    Get your facts straight. India's RAW initially trained the LTTE in its formative years so that hundreds of thousands of Lankan Tamils wouldn't have to end up as refugees on Indian soil. The thought was that if the Lankan Tamils could put up a fight, and put up a fight they did, then the problem would stay away from Indian shores.

    As selfish as it was, that's how it all started. Which Indian / Tamil brotherhood do you speak of? India was a poor country in the 80s and had a lot of baggage then. It is in a better condition now but is far from being a superpower. Look at our response to the Mumbai blasts – we're still confused about which direction to point the finger.

    And why did Lankan Tamils have all their hopes pinned on India either? What did Norway, a 'developed' country, do for Lankan Tamils in the time of need. What did the entire might of the United Nations do for Lankan Tamils?

    Lankan Tamils suffered terribly, there is no denying it, but the whole world – including countries with far better intelligence networks than India's, sat back and looked the other way. Keep blaming and cursing India alone if that will soothe any wounds.

  27. it is pretty true that none of the nations did anything. At least now they are talking of something and India should take a suitable decision. You are on the road, You find that someone has met with an accident. You can either admit him in a hospital or walk away like others as if nothing has happened. The choice is yours.

  28. To Pratik Das,
    First of all, I am Indian Tamilan, not Srilankan Tamil. Did you see any article about this issue in north indian media except India today. TOI didn't even reported this issue. Leave the media, Do you have any idea about what stance Inida is having in srilanka issue. Till now India is supporting srilankan government(with china and russia) in all the issues, whenever it has been raised in International level.
    In this blog some times back discussing about the same srilankan issue, in a reply to a person, shiv aroor himself scolded him like saying 'you don't know anything about whats going on there'(when he was returned from the srilanka trip). I think now he can see what happened there.
    By the way I am not a suppoter of LTTE.

  29. @Soumyadip
    I am a Tamilan and indian still this moment.But my fellow indians supporting SRI LANKAN calling its strategic partnership then i say F*** O**.what strategy u guys acheived u know chinese military in sri lankan navy now killing indian fisher mens(assuming tamil nadu is part of india now).Sri lankan gov supported pakistan in 1971 war. Now supporting china all the things against india and killed lakhs of tamil ppls raped lot of tamil girls ,made and making the woman's nude in front their son's and making girl's in nude of their father and brothers, making a girl pregnant of age 13 and her mother.Why rajiv gandhi sent peace keeping force to sri lanka ? indira gandhi suported mukthi bakini and created bangladesh why rajiv supported sri lanka and killed 12000 tamil ppls .why rajiv gandhi ceded indian land kachchateev to sri lanka ? why india trained sri lankan military to go against the LTTE?.i came to these blog to see my country's armed forces and their advancement but got humiliated by seeing the above commands my own indian brothers . Kudos to Australian players who said they don't go to sri lanka for their killings and crimes, kudos to Australian ppls who did 81% votes against australia's tour to sri lanka should be stopped ,kudos to canada gov and ppls who supported tamil ppls and said their never harm to society . Please don't compare liberation army with terroist.India is a united country with different ppls. We feel the pain of bombings in mumbai we also feel for the hindus in pakistan.But indians supporting sri lanka against the ppls who are part of their own ppls (tamil nadu).

  30. To Anonymous @ 8:51pm,

    Do you honestly think the Sri Lankan Army would've allowed Indian journalists to witness the atrocities? If not, what would've been there to report in mass media apart from hearsay? No visual gratification in the form of videos or images = poor ratings. The videos and images came out much later.

    Also, if you choose to believe the suggestion in my first post that the Indian position of supporting the Sri Lankan goverment was a strategic choice – to keep China away from the neighbourhood, then would it be something to boast about publicly given what the Sri Lankan army did?

    This is all very dirty and I'll be the first to admit that, but if you look at how China went from it's first nuclear fission bomb to it's first megaton fusion bomb in 3 years – which couldn't have happened without Soviet help and which is something we haven't achieved to this day, and if you look at how quickly Pakistan tested it's nuclear weapons immediately after the Indian tests which took the world by surprise – so the Pakistanis couldn't have possibly prepared for it, you will soon realise that very dirty strategic decisions are taken all the time. Those two instances of gross proliferation of nuclear weapons have insured that India will forever keep bleeding billions of dollars in defence purchases. For each of those cases the whole world just sat back and looked the other way, to the huge detriment of India's security.

    If we didn't engage the Sri Lankan government, we would've been truly surrounded.

  31. @soumyadep
    "LTTE taken tamilians as hostage"
    Please learn history did u first seen the channel 4 video ? why the video is banned in our india ? First everyone see that video. LTTE is just like Mukthi bakini of bangladesh . Indira gandhi did good job and rahul gandhi did just opposite to indira gandhi. India should support the international investegation

  32. @Partik Das. I am finding your comments very funny. At the last days of the war, none of the media whether Indian or foreign were allowed in to the battle field. And UN has confirmed the video to be authentic. And claiming a video false just because it appeared later is something that is beyond humorous. India can never invest as much as Chinese and even you can do so, no way you can expect the Lankans to be loyal. Remember that in 1971 war, lanka was allowing pak vessels to be refueled which was the main reason for RAW conspiracy. take pak for example, it is getting millions as aid from both US of A and China and lanka would simply follow them. And with respect to videos and images of atrocities you can always google black July and that will throw you information, images and videos for the rest of your life. Don't read parts of history and compile your own version. Even I am not aware of the complete history but at least I know what has happened is something that will never appear in any civilized society

  33. To Arun @ 9:49 AM.

    Perhaps you have trouble reading. Not once have I said the video was fake. It happened. My point is no one did anything about it, not just India. India had its motives. Were the others just lazy?

    You read one sentence from Wikipedia about RAW and LTTE in the same sentence and turned it on it's head. Quoting itself, "Vio­lent anti-Tamil racial riots exploded in the island in 1956,1958, 1961, 1974, 1977, 1979 and in 1981. In these racial holocausts thousands of Tamils, including women and chil­dren were mercilessly massacred, millions worth of Tamil property destroyed and hundreds of thousands made refugees."

    Did you read that part about the refugees?

    Your expectation of what a civilized society is or does is according to what is taught to students in school. Ask yourself why the US or anyone else for that matter isn't liberating the starving people of North Korea from an oppressive government. Ask yourself why nobody seems to give a damn about what goes on in Africa until the number of dead is in nearing a hundred thousand. Which civilized society are you talking about?

  34. @Partik Das,

    srilankan army didn't allow any media journalists to witness the atrocities, then how acome the western media got the news and published it. When they can report then, why can't north indian media do. don't make us fools.

    Till now more than 500 tamil(indian) fishermans killed by srilankan navy, can you tell me how many north indian media published this things.

    And why you dragging china nuclear etc… here. do you think srilankan will support you, when you'll fight with china or pakistan. As Arun said they alway go with china or pakistan in that situation. As I once said, you(inidans) lost true strategic partners(srilankan tamils) in your south border.

    Till yesterday they supported the Indian government due the Indian tamils, but now I can see so much hate in their speech about Indians.

  35. @4.30
    Taking action in libya then why not in sri lanka . If India raised a voice then every country will support except china bcos china is all weather friend for srilanka.Indians lost a true srilankan support(srilanka tamils) it can be gained again by make them live peacefully .international criminal court investigation needed.

  36. @Pratik das: It's true that i had referred to all what you have mentioned and again you seem to have the habit of reading parts of my comments as I had mentioned even I know only little. Regarding China's strategy of surrounding, we can as well do the same by having air fields in Mongolia( we already have one in Tajik). I read some where there was talks but it didn't go any further.And if at all we had liberated the Tamils we could as well had a port in Eelam. In all your comments you only seems to ask why should India support anything that the developed west doesn't? may be possibly it is coz there is no crude oil in these places.Can't India take any decisions on their own? Even if they wish to follow what the west do, what is India's decision on Libya? What about Afganisthan? Now that US of A is sure of leaving Afgan, all of India's investment will be down the drain if it is not protected.And as anoymous @4:30Pm said what about Indian fishermen? Aren't they of no interest to India?

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