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India from Google Earth (Part 1)

India from Google Earth (Part 1)

Mar 11, 2007

The government is trying to get Google Earth to go easy on sensitive Indian installations. The government’s latent irritation with Google Earth was legitimised when President APJ Abdul Kalam, in his wisdom, questioned the safety of having such high-rez photos…


The Expert Panel on DRDO

Mar 8, 2007

I’d reported on January 19 in The Indian Express on the new “independent and external” panel of experts that has been ordered by the government to revamp and keep tabs on DRDO. The terms of reference hadn’t been properly set…

PGM (Purpose Gone Missing)

PGM (Purpose Gone Missing)

Mar 7, 2007

In the context of Programme Air Defence (PAD) and Advanced Air Defence (AAD), and all the chatter about Prithvi (most of it incorrect!), I thought I’d reproduce Dr VK Saraswat’s PGM report from 2003. At the very least, it makes…

Why isn’t the HAL Tejas part of the MRCA push?

Why isn’t the HAL Tejas part of the MRCA push?

Mar 5, 2007

A pertinent question if ever there was one. But like almost everything else in our country — especially when it has to do with impossible sums of money — divergent interests come together violently in a spectacular explosion of possible…

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